Robert D. Hormats

Robert D. Hormats

Robert Hormats has been a senior official in the administrations of five different American presidents, a top executive on Wall Street and major business leader working with companies in the United States and throughout the world. His most recent government job was Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment. He is currently Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc. He has over a 25 year career at Goldman Sachs and was formerly Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs (International). He played a key role on a variety of international economic and financial matters , including privatizations of state enterprises in countries such as China, Singapore, Britain, Germany and Mexico. He also was part of Goldman Sachs teams that structured and underwrote bond and stock issues in the U.S. and abroad. He also was the firm’s leading spokesman regarding the international economic and financial outlook and developments in key financial and investment markets. Bob accompanied President Obama and Secretary Clinton on several Summits and high level economic visits to these countries and others. He also led U.S. Government and U.S. business delegations to these countries and to international groups such as ASEAN , APEC, the St. Petersburg Global Forum and the Brussels Global Forum.

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